The online game Minecraft can be cause around by for in of over up with without concern around by for in of over up with without parents, who see their children spend endless hours immersed around by for in of over up with without a cyber-world. However, around by for in of over up with without a 23-year-old English man, the game has made him millions around by for in of over up with without fans and a good deal around by for in of over up with without money too. Joseph Garrett makes a full-time living around by for in of over up with without making YouTube videos about his exploits around by for in of over up with without Minecraft. He gets around by for in of over up with without to 30 million hits a week, which is more than the official Justin Bieber and One Direction channels. His uploads might also make him a small fortune, around by for in of over up with without having to leave his bedroom. He has become a celebrity around by for in of over up with without the Minecraft gaming community. He told the BBC: "I'm really happy, I'm not going to lie, I think I've got the best job around by for in of over up with without the world." Minecraft has around by for in of over up with without 100 million registered users around by for in of over up with without the world. Education professionals are saying it could be a very useful tool around by for in of over up with without the classroom. The website says: "Minecraft can have huge educational benefits for children; it can help teach numerous subjects both around by for in of over up with without and around by for in of over up with without adult involvement." It added that: "Learning in Minecraft can be faster than traditional methods around by for in of over up with without education, as children are often far more motivated, get more practice, and feel that what they are learning is useful." The site says children naturally pick around by for in of over up with without skills around by for in of over up with without reading, writing, maths, geometry, music and science while playing the game. They can also learn social skills and computer coding.