An Indonesian sportswear manufacturer has had to apologise around for in of on to a label around for in of on to its merchandise that people deemed to be sexist. The label appeared around for in of on to the shirts around for in of on to one of the country's top football clubs, Super League team Pusamania Borneo. It read: "Washing instructions: Give this shirt around for in of on to a woman. It's her job." The company, Salvo Sports, issued its apology around for in of on to Sunday March 9th, which was unfortunate timing as Sunday just happened to be International Women's Day, an occasion to honour and celebrate women's achievements around for in of on to the world. The company received a flood around for in of on to complaints around for in of on to social media from people who thought the wording around for in of on to the label was highly inappropriate. The company was quick to offer an apology and said it did not mean to denigrate women. A Salvo Sports spokesperson said around for in of on to Twitter: "The message is simply, instead around for in of on to washing it around for in of on to the wrong way, you might as well give it to a lady because they are more capable." It added: "There is no intention to humiliate women. around for in of on to contrast, we want to tell the men to learn from women around for in of on to how to take care around for in of on to clothes." Many people felt the apology was also sexist. around for in of on to a more positive note around for in of on to women, The Asian Football Confederation (AFC) launched its inaugural AFC Women's Football Day around for in of on to Sunday. This is designed to recognise events that develop and promote the women's game around for in of on to Asia.