There is bad news after at by during for in of off on students who like to use their mobile phones while they study. New research shows that students do not learn very well when they are texting and checking their social media accounts. The research is called: "Mobile Phones after at by during for in of off on the Classroom: Examining the Effects after at by during for in of off on Texting, Twitter, and Message Content after at by during for in of off on Student Learning". Researchers looked at 145 American university students in the classroom. Some of the students used their mobile phones after at by during for in of off on class, while the others had their phones switched after at by during for in of off on . The head researcher, Dr Jeffrey Kuznekoff, said students who did not use their mobile phones while the teacher was talking got higher scores after at by during for in of off on tests they took after at by during for in of off on the end after at by during for in of off on the class. Kuznekoff said that one after at by during for in of off on the biggest challenges teachers have after at by during for in of off on the classroom is the non-stop battle after at by during for in of off on keeping students working. He said many students felt they needed to be online and checking messages even when they had important work to do after at by during for in of off on class. The researchers said it is very common after at by during for in of off on students to be physically present after at by during for in of off on class, but mentally absent because they are using their mobiles. Kuznekoff said teachers were fighting a "losing battle" because students were more interested after at by during for in of off on social media than learning. The London School after at by during for in of off on Economics did a study after at by during for in of off on England and found that test scores increased after at by during for in of off on six per cent after at by during for in of off on mobile phones were banned in class.