People in America are angry billion company finished frightening historic peacefully people pipeline protectors retired sailors they thousands trouble warm water winter word . A angry billion company finished frightening historic peacefully people pipeline protectors retired sailors they thousands trouble warm water winter word is building a $3.8 angry billion company finished frightening historic peacefully people pipeline protectors retired sailors they thousands trouble warm water winter word oil pipeline. The Sioux angry billion company finished frightening historic peacefully people pipeline protectors retired sailors they thousands trouble warm water winter word have lived on the land for angry billion company finished frightening historic peacefully people pipeline protectors retired sailors they thousands trouble warm water winter word of years. The Sioux are Native Americans. People say the pipeline will make the angry billion company finished frightening historic peacefully people pipeline protectors retired sailors they thousands trouble warm water winter word dirty. It will also damage angry billion company finished frightening historic peacefully people pipeline protectors retired sailors they thousands trouble warm water winter word Sioux sites. A angry billion company finished frightening historic peacefully people pipeline protectors retired sailors they thousands trouble warm water winter word from Texas owns the angry billion company finished frightening historic peacefully people pipeline protectors retired sailors they thousands trouble warm water winter word . It is almost angry billion company finished frightening historic peacefully people pipeline protectors retired sailors they thousands trouble warm water winter word . The protestors are "water angry billion company finished frightening historic peacefully people pipeline protectors retired sailors they thousands trouble warm water winter word ". They include angry billion company finished frightening historic peacefully people pipeline protectors retired sailors they thousands trouble warm water winter word soldiers and angry billion company finished frightening historic peacefully people pipeline protectors retired sailors they thousands trouble warm water winter word . They built shelters to keep people angry billion company finished frightening historic peacefully people pipeline protectors retired sailors they thousands trouble warm water winter word in the angry billion company finished frightening historic peacefully people pipeline protectors retired sailors they thousands trouble warm water winter word . There has been angry billion company finished frightening historic peacefully people pipeline protectors retired sailors they thousands trouble warm water winter word between the protestors and police. Someone said the protestors were " angry billion company finished frightening historic peacefully people pipeline protectors retired sailors they thousands trouble warm water winter word ". A protestor said angry billion company finished frightening historic peacefully people pipeline protectors retired sailors they thousands trouble warm water winter word would protest angry billion company finished frightening historic peacefully people pipeline protectors retired sailors they thousands trouble warm water winter word . They don't like the angry billion company finished frightening historic peacefully people pipeline protectors retired sailors they thousands trouble warm water winter word 'protest'."