A new blood cancer conditions different excited health healthier hormone levels married mechanisms relationships research responses risk study unclear widowed says marriage is good for our blood cancer conditions different excited health healthier hormone levels married mechanisms relationships research responses risk study unclear widowed . Researchers said being married lowers blood cancer conditions different excited health healthier hormone levels married mechanisms relationships research responses risk study unclear widowed of a stress blood cancer conditions different excited health healthier hormone levels married mechanisms relationships research responses risk study unclear widowed called cortisol. Researchers tested for cortisol in 572 adults on three blood cancer conditions different excited health healthier hormone levels married mechanisms relationships research responses risk study unclear widowed days. They found that the blood cancer conditions different excited health healthier hormone levels married mechanisms relationships research responses risk study unclear widowed people had less cortisol than people who were single, separated, divorced or blood cancer conditions different excited health healthier hormone levels married mechanisms relationships research responses risk study unclear widowed . The researchers said: "Married people tend to be blood cancer conditions different excited health healthier hormone levels married mechanisms relationships research responses risk study unclear widowed …but the blood cancer conditions different excited health healthier hormone levels married mechanisms relationships research responses risk study unclear widowed through which this occurs remain blood cancer conditions different excited health healthier hormone levels married mechanisms relationships research responses risk study unclear widowed ." Cortisol has blood cancer conditions different excited health healthier hormone levels married mechanisms relationships research responses risk study unclear widowed bodily functions. It regulates blood cancer conditions different excited health healthier hormone levels married mechanisms relationships research responses risk study unclear widowed sugar, immune blood cancer conditions different excited health healthier hormone levels married mechanisms relationships research responses risk study unclear widowed and inflammation. It increases the blood cancer conditions different excited health healthier hormone levels married mechanisms relationships research responses risk study unclear widowed of heart disease and the chances of surviving blood cancer conditions different excited health healthier hormone levels married mechanisms relationships research responses risk study unclear widowed . High levels of cortisol are linked to blood cancer conditions different excited health healthier hormone levels married mechanisms relationships research responses risk study unclear widowed like anxiety and depression. A doctor said the blood cancer conditions different excited health healthier hormone levels married mechanisms relationships research responses risk study unclear widowed provided, "important insights into the way…our intimate social blood cancer conditions different excited health healthier hormone levels married mechanisms relationships research responses risk study unclear widowed can…influence our health". A researcher was blood cancer conditions different excited health healthier hormone levels married mechanisms relationships research responses risk study unclear widowed to see how relationships influence blood cancer conditions different excited health healthier hormone levels married mechanisms relationships research responses risk study unclear widowed and disease.