Gender equality has reached the small human characters traffic signals Australia. Signals ten pedestrian crossings the city Melbourne now depict walking red and green people dresses. The initiative is part a trial 12-month gender equality campaign unveiled the city. The Minister Women, Fiona Richardson, explained that the rationale the trial was to put more images of women in public places. She said: "There are many small, but symbolically significant ways that women are excluded public space. This is a wonderful way to make public space more inclusive women." She hopes the city's signals will have equal numbers of male and female figures the future.
The new signals have drawn a mixed response citizens. Many critics say the new scheme is unnecessary and a waste taxpayers' money. A leading critic is Melbourne's mayor Robert Doyle, who told reporters: "I'm all doing anything we can gender equity, but really?" He added: "Unfortunately, I think this sort costly exercise is more likely to bring derision." Others said the new images were a sign political correctness gone crazy. Social media users asked why the image the woman has to wear a dress, when many women wear trousers. Others said the money could have been better used worthier projects that helped people need.