Sentence Jumbles


  • Type the jumbled words in the correct order.
  • Click the button at the bottom to check your answers.
  • Press the "refresh" button on your browser to play again.

The 10 sentences
1. history time fired boss for in The to the US second be FBI .

2. Comey prank a was firing his of news the thought first at .

3. was He employees address to Angeles Los in .

4. the news fact program He reporting saw on a .

5. he staff to that FBI confirmed Comey had then Mr .

6. is now a huge political story in the USA The sacking .

7. are saying the sacking is to cover up a scandal Journalists .

8. mishandling his of because position his from Removed .

9. left lead him the unable FBI to This effectively .

10. enforcement A new beginning at the USA's crown jewel of law .

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