All 4 Graded Readings

Nobel chemistry prize for molecule photos


Chemistry - Level 0

The Nobel Prize in chemistry went to three scientists. They found a way of photographing molecules. Molecules are the smallest things in our body and in everything around us. Scientists can zoom in to see things in our bodies never seen before. They can now see how molecules move.

The Nobel committee said science will change forever. It added: "Soon, there will be no more secrets. Now we can see the…details of [molecules] in every corner of our cells and every drop of our body fluids. We can understand how…they work together." A professor said scientists can look at viruses and cure diseases.


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Chemistry - Level 1

The Nobel Prize in chemistry went to three scientists. They will share the $1,090,000 prize. They found a special way of photographing molecules. Molecules are the smallest building blocks in our body and in everything around us. The scientists made a technique called cryo-EM. It can zoom in to amazing new levels. Scientists can now see things in our bodies never seen before. They can see how molecules move.

The Nobel committee said cryo-EM will change science forever and move science into a new era. It added: "Soon, there will be no more secrets. Now we can see the…details of [molecules] in every corner of our cells and every drop of our body fluids. We can understand how…they act and how they work together….We are facing a revolution." A professor said there were many uses for cryo-EM. Scientists can look at viruses and find cures for many diseases.


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Chemistry - Level 2


The Nobel Prize in chemistry has gone to three scientists for their work with molecules. The scientists will share the $1,090,000 prize. They found a special way of taking photos of molecules. Molecules are the smallest building blocks in the cells in our body. Everything and everyone is made of molecules. The scientists developed a technique called cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). This lets scientists zoom in to amazing new levels. Scientists can now see things in our bodies never seen before. They can see how the building blocks of life move.

The Nobel Prize committee said the new technique will change science forever. The technique has "moved biochemistry into a new era". It added: "Soon, there will be no more secrets. Now we can see the…details of [molecules] in every corner of our cells and every drop of our body fluids. We can understand how they are built and how they act and how they work together….We are facing a revolution in biochemistry." A professor said there were many practical uses for the technique. Scientists can now look at the building blocks of viruses and find cures for many diseases.


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Chemistry - Level 3

The 2017 Nobel Prize in chemistry has gone to three scientists for their work on photographing molecules. Professors Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank and Richard Henderson will share the $1,090,000 prize. They developed a special way of taking photos of molecules. Molecules are the very smallest building blocks that make up the cells in our body. Everything and everyone is made of molecules. The three chemists developed a technique called cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). This allows scientists to zoom in to amazing new levels. Scientists can now see things in our bodies that we have never seen before. They can see how the building blocks of life move.

The Nobel Prize committee said the new cryo-EM technique will change science forever. It said the technique has "moved biochemistry into a new era". The Nobel chairperson said: "Soon, there will be no more secrets. Now we can see the intricate details of the biomolecules in every corner of our cells and every drop of our body fluids. We can understand how they are built and how they act and how they work together in large communities. We are facing a revolution in biochemistry." Professor Frank said the practical uses for the technique were "immense". Cryo-EM will mean scientists can look at the building blocks of viruses. This means we will find cures for many diseases.


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