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make use announce need sit ask enter make use apply
do be ask be escort wait order buy want do
The cafe chain Starbucks has a new policy about who can its cafes. Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz has that anyone can enter a Starbucks cafe in the USA without to make a purchase. That means people are free to in the cafe or use the restrooms. Mr Schulz has all Starbucks staff to treat every person entering the cafe as a customer. He said: "Any person who our spaces, including patios, cafes and restrooms, regardless of whether they a purchase, is considered a customer." This means people can simply Starbucks to sit down, relax and use the Internet. The new policy to more than 8,000 cafes in the United States.

The new policy will also make it easier for store managers and baristas to their job. There have high-profile cases recently of managers real customers to leave a cafe or telling them they cannot use the bathroom. On April 12, two black men arrested and out of a Philadelphia Starbucks in handcuffs for for a friend to arrive before they . A week later, another black man was told he could not use the bathroom because he hadn't anything. He posted a video online of a white man using the bathroom in the same cafe without buying anything first. Mr Schultz said he didn't to make Starbucks a public bathroom, but the new policy was "the right thing" to .

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