An ex-U.S. soccer player is supporting Mexico at the Russia World Cup. Landon Donovan, 35, played for the USA team 157 times, scoring 57 . He is regarded as the American player . However, his calls for Americans to back Mexico have landed in hot water. Some ex-teammates have criticized for getting paid by the company Wells Fargo to wear a Mexico jersey. He tweeted a photograph of himself that read: "My team is Mexico....So join cheer on our other team - Mexico."
Donovan explained he is cheering for Mexico. He grew up in California and speaks Spanish. He said: "My heart bleeds red, white and ....No one should question my to and support of U.S. Soccer." He said he was inspired by the of playing with Mexican teammates as a child. He added: "I always have had a connection and for our neighbor." One current U.S. player said: "I don't understand why he is doing . Actually, I do - ." A Mexican fan said: "There are two that Mexico fans love to hate. Donald Trump and Landon Donovan."