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Doctors in the United Kingdom some new advice for people with coughs. They are people not to visit a doctor to treatment. Instead, people who have a cough should or eat honey or get some medicine from a drugstore. The doctors that in most cases, honey and over-the-counter medicines will work and people not need antibiotics. The doctors that most of the time, a cough will on its own within two to three weeks even if you take nothing. Many of us a doctor at a hospital or clinic if we have a cough. Public health officials in England say this is largely a waste of time. They say antibiotics do little to make a cough away.

Doctors say we are antibiotics too much and this can bad for us. Many viruses and infections are resistant to antibiotics, so medicines are less effective. Doctors say this is to the creation of superbugs. These can be very dangerous to our health. The doctors said honey can very effective in soothing a sore throat and making other symptoms disappear. A hot drink with honey a traditional and well-known remedy for coughs and sore throats. People also lemon or ginger to it. Using honey may be better for children with coughs. Many children do not like the taste of medicine but the taste of honey. Younger children generally do not visiting a doctor.

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