One billion dollars promised to rebuild Notre Dame
Try Notre Dame - Level 1 | Notre Dame - Level 2 | Notre Dame - Level 3
20 Questions | Spelling | Dictation
People gave one billion dollars to rebuild the 850-year-old Notre Dame cathedral. It was damaged in a fire. It is an important building. People gave hundreds of millions of dollars to help. France's president wants the rebuilding to be finished before the 2024 Paris Olympics. People say it could take over 20 years.
Some people giving money are billionaires, like the owner of Louis Vuitton. Computer giant Apple is giving money. It said: "We are heartbroken...Apple will be donating restore Notre Dame...for future generations." Many people think it is better for the money to go to the world's poorer people.
Try higher levels. The listening is a little longer, with more vocabulary.
Notre Dame - Level 1 | Notre Dame - Level 2 | Notre Dame - Level 3
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