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The quality of medical care you from doctors could on the time of the day you visit a hospital or clinic. A study from the University of Pennsylvania in the USA a significant difference in the decision-making of physicians at different times of the day. The study that a patient's chances of getting screened for cancer were a lot higher in the morning than they in the late afternoon. Researchers the numbers of women to breast cancer screening throughout the day. They that in the hour following 8am, doctors screenings for 64 per cent of women who were eligible for tests. This figure to 48 per cent at 5pm.

The researchers said the progressive reduction in assigned screenings as the day could be due to "decision fatigue". This is a kind of mental burn-out that a person's ability to effectively decisions the longer they work. Dr. Mitesh Patel said: "Our new study to the growing evidence that the time of the day and decision fatigue patient care." Researcher Esther Hsiang agreed, : "We believe that the downward trend of ordering screenings may the result of decision fatigue, where people may be less inclined to a new decision after they've been them all day. It may also stem from overloaded clinicians getting behind as the day ."

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