Gap Fill - Paragraph Two


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   documentary      future      interested      loneliness      now      outer      single      slowly      space      thing  

Paragraph 2

Mr Maezawa has created a television to look for a female friend to fly into with. The documentary is called "Full Moon Lovers". On a website for the TV show, he wrote: "I'm 44 . As feelings of and emptiness begin to come to me, there's one that I think about - continuing to love one woman. I want to find a 'life partner'. With that partner of mine, I want to shout our love and shout for world peace from space." Maezawa's ideal candidate is aged 20 or above, , and must be "always positive". She must also be in going into space. He tweeted: "Wanted! Why not be the 'first woman' to travel to the moon?"

Try the sentence jumble.

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