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say lose require see discriminate go make be grade reduce
suffer contain include affect produce affect require discourage tell judge
A university in England has students will not marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes. Hull University said that English with no mistakes is "elitist". It said such a requirement could be as "homogenous, North European, white, male, and elite". Officials at the university said insisting on a high proficiency in written English against ethnic minorities and students who to schools where average grades were low. The university said it wants to writing and tests "more inclusive". It wants teachers to more flexible when they mark and students' writing. It hopes to the number of poorer students who drop out from university.

The university said many students at school and in life because their written English mistakes. This students with dyslexia. This is a learning disorder that language. People with dyslexia have difficulty in relating to letters and words. This means it is harder for dyslexics to writing free of mistakes. Dyslexia areas of the brain that process language. The university also said that well-written English could students for whom English is a second language from going to university. Teachers at another university have been it is fairer to students on their ideas and knowledge of a subject and not their spelling and grammar.

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