Gap Fill - Cage Fights - Level 6


  • Choose the correct word from the drop-down menus below.
  • Click the button at the bottom to check your answers.
  • Press the "refresh" button on your browser to play again.

   event      favourite      fight      gold      history      lucrative      opponent      promotion      records      secret   

Paragraph 2

The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) could arrange the . The UFC is an American mixed martial arts company. Its president, Dana White, said the could be the most ever. He said: "This would be the biggest fight ever in the of the world….It would break all pay-per-view ." He suggested viewers might have to pay $100 to watch the Musk-Zuckerberg bout. It is unclear who is to win the contest. Zuckerberg is trained in martial arts and recently won in his first jiu-jitsu tournament. Musk joked about his weapon. He tweeted: "I have this great move that I call 'The Walrus', where I just lie on top of my and do nothing."

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