Gap Fill - Paragraph Two


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   gap      head      last      law      priority      seventh      strike      such      violence      way   

Paragraph 2

Yesterday was the time that women in Iceland have gone on . It was the first action in nearly 50 years. The strike was in 1975, when 90 per cent of women did not go to work and did not do housework. The following year, Iceland passed an equal pay . In 1980, Iceland became the first country in Europe to elect a woman as of state. According to the World Economic Forum, Iceland has had the smallest gender of any country for 14 years in a row. Despite this, Ms Jakobsdottir, said there is still a long to go. She wants women's pay to be equal to men's pay. She also wants a reduction in gender-based . Ms Jakobsdottir said this was a "" for her government to tackle.

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