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ost famous [documentaries / documents] – the Magna Carta. The women are both [in / on] their 80s. They went to the British Library in London and attacked the [glass / glassy] case that contained the Magna Carta. The women used [the / a] hammer and a chisel to try to break the glass. Police have [changed / charged] the women with criminal [damage / damaged] . The British Library said its [secure / security] staff, "intervened, to prevent further damage to the case". It added that the "Magna Carta itself [remains / remain] undamaged". The women are from the Just Stop Oil protest group. They held [down / up] a sign that read: "The government is breaking the law." The women also glued [themselves / itself] to the case.

The Magna Carta is a royal [chat / charter] that was agreed to by King John of England on the 15th of June 1215. It stated that everyone was [equally / equal] under the law. It also [guaranteed / guaranteeing] that everyone should have a fair [trial /trail] , with a [jury / juror] . Historians say the Magna Carta was the foundation for the development of Western democracy. In particular, it influenced the U.S. Constitution. The two protestors said: "The Magna Carta is…[of / on] great importance to our history, to our freedoms and to our [in-laws / laws] . But, there will be no freedom, no [lawlessness / lawfulness] , no rights, if we allow climate breakdown to become the [catastrophe / catastrophic] that is now threatened." They added: "Our government is breaking its own laws [against / for] climate change."

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