Sentence Dictation Answers - Cycling is good for your knees, says study

Answer to Dictation 1

It strengthens our heart keeps our weight down and is good for mental health.

Go to Dictation 2

Answer to Dictation 2

A little-known and perhaps surprising benefit of getting on a bike.

Go to Dictation 3

Answer to Dictation 3

A new study says cyclists are less likely to experience knee pain later in life.

Go to Dictation 4

Answer to Dictation 4

The survey participants were asked about their levels of physical activity.

Go to Dictation 5

Answer to Dictation 5

This was to look for signs and levels of arthritis in their knee joints.

Go to Dictation 6

Answer to Dictation 6

Cyclists were 21 per cent less likely to have signs of osteoarthritis.

Go to Dictation 7

Answer to Dictation 7

I was surprised to see how very strong the benefit of cycling was.

Go to Dictation 8

Answer to Dictation 8

Cyclists are around 20 per cent less likely to die prematurely.

Go to Dictation 9

Answer to Dictation 9

Dr Lo said cycling is a great preventative strategy for many things.

Go to Dictation 10

Answer to Dictation 10

It's what happens when we use the cartilage in our joints a lot.

See the cycling and knees lesson for the whole text.

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