Speed Reading — Cycling and Knees - Level 1 — 100 wpm

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Try the same text at a reading speed of 200 words per minute.

This is the text (if you need help).

Cycling keeps us fit and healthy. It is good for our heart and our mental health. A surprising benefit of cycling is it is good for our knees. A new study says cyclists have less knee pain when they get older. Researchers looked at 2,600 people, with an average age of 64. They asked the people about their physical activity. They also took X-rays of the people's knees. The researchers checked the X-rays for signs of arthritis in the knees.

Researcher Dr Grace Lo was surprised by the research. She said cyclists were 21 per cent less likely to have a joint problem in their knees called osteoarthritis. This happens when we use our joints a lot. The joints wear out and become painful. Osteoarthritis usually starts when people are in their fifties. Dr Lo said cycling was a great way of stopping arthritis. A lot of research shows that cyclists are 20 per cent less likely to die too early.

Back to the cycling and knees lesson.

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