Sentence Dictation Answers - Ghanaian one-year-old world's youngest artist

Answer to Dictation 1

A toddler from Ghana has officially been recognized as the world's youngest artist.

Go to Dictation 2

Answer to Dictation 2

At the age of six months when his precocious talent became evident.

Go to Dictation 3

Answer to Dictation 3

It was obvious her son had artistic talent from that young age.

Go to Dictation 4

Answer to Dictation 4

Chantelle had been commissioned to create a work for Miss Universe 2023.

Go to Dictation 5

Answer to Dictation 5

She said he clearly had an affinity for colour as he crawled over the canvas.

Go to Dictation 6

Answer to Dictation 6

His work was exhibited at Ghana's Museum of Science.

Go to Dictation 7

Answer to Dictation 7

Nine of the 10 pieces on show at that exhibition sold.

Go to Dictation 8

Answer to Dictation 8

Chantelle said her son is creating a stir with his artistic flair.

Go to Dictation 9

Answer to Dictation 9

He has created a buzz and heightened the conversation about art appreciation.

Go to Dictation 10

Answer to Dictation 10

There is no doubt that Ace-Liam has an exciting career ahead of him.

See the world's youngest artist lesson for the whole text.

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