Speed Reading — Artists - Level 5 — 200 wpm

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Try the same text at a reading speed of 300 words per minute.

This is the text (if you need help).

Guinness World Records has recognized a toddler from Ghana as the world's youngest artist. It acknowledged Ace-Liam Nana Sam Ankrah when he was just one year and 152 days old. He began painting at the age of six months. His mother Chantelle, also an artist, said it was obvious her son had artistic talent from that young age. She explained how he began painting. She had been asked to create a work for Miss Universe 2023. While Chantelle was working, she gave Ace-Liam a canvas and some paint. She said he had an affinity for colour as he crawled over the canvas.

Ace-Liam is attracting attention across the art world. His work was shown at Ghana's Museum of Science in January. He sold nine of the 10 pieces on show. Art lovers have bought six more of his paintings this year. Ghana's first lady asked him for a painting. Chantelle said her son is creating a stir and "a buzz" with his artistic flair. She said: "He has…heightened the conversation about art appreciation." She said: "His abstract paintings are inspired by the world around him." Guinness said: "There is no doubt that Ace-Liam has an exciting career ahead of him."

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