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cause evacuate be refuse stay come engulf estimate lose be
be rely make sink see have come prosper be go
Rising sea levels have Panama to the residents of one of its islands. The inhabitants of the tiny Gardi Sugdub island off Panama's Caribbean coast are relocated to the mainland. However, a Panamanian government official said some people are to vacate their ancestral home. They will until the absolute last minute. Panama's government said Gardi Sugdub is a sign of things to as more low-lying islands are under threat from being by the ocean. A recent study by Panama's Environment Ministry the country would 2.01 per cent of its coastal territory to rising sea levels. It added that 38,000 people will need to relocated at a cost of about $1.2 billion.

Gardi Sugdub has home to the indigenous Guna people for generations. The overcrowded island is just 366 metres long and 137 metres wide, but was home to nearly 300 families. They on fishing and tourism to a living. Islander Nadin Morales, 24, said: "We're a little sad…but the sea is the island little by little." She added: "Lately, I've that climate change has a major impact.…The tide to a level it didn't before, and the heat is unbearable." Ms Morales said she hopes her community will in its new location. Her new home will in a $12 million government development two kilometres from the port from which boats to Gardi Sugdub.

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