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Australia will soon non-Australians into its army. People from countries such as the UK, Canada and New Zealand can to join the Australian Defence Force (ADF). Australia is problems getting people to up for its army. The government that opening the army up to people from other countries will its recruitment problem. The ADF currently a shortage of around 4,400 workers. From July, New Zealanders who are permanent residents in Australia can apply to . Next year, those from the UK, US and Canada will their chance. Australia's Defence Minister, Richard Marles, said it possible that in the future, people from more countries could join.

Mr Marles said his country was its recruitment policy for security reasons. He said: "The Australian Government has to grow the Australian Defence Force because it is essential to the nation's security challenges through the next decade and beyond." A Defence Ministry spokesperson said: "We're bold in order to grow the ADF. Recruiting from a wider pool of people will help [the ADF] the full diversity of Australia, and is able to on the talents of [all] of Australian society." Opposition Foreign Minister Simon Birmingham with the policy. He said it showed government failure. He said: "We should be more Australians with the confidence to up."

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