Word Pairs


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The words
Australia will soon [allowed / allow] non-Australians into its army. People from countries such as the UK, Canada and New Zealand can [apply / applied] to join the Australian Defence Force (ADF). Australia is having [problem / problems] getting people to sign [down / up] for its army. The government hopes that opening the army up to people from [another / other] countries will solve its recruitment problem. The ADF currently has a [short / shortage] of around 4,400 workers. From July, New Zealanders who are [permanent / permanence] residents in Australia can apply to join. Next year, those from the UK, US and Canada will have [them / their] chance. Australia's Defence Minister, Richard Marles, said it was possible that [on / in] the future, people from more countries [able to / could] join.

Mr Marles said his country was [changing / chancing] its recruitment policy for security reasons. He said: "The Australian Government has chosen [to / for] grow the Australian Defence Force because it [is / be] essential to meet the nation's security challenges [though / through] the next decade and [behind / beyond] ." A Defence Ministry spokesperson said: "We're being [bold / bald] in order to grow the ADF. Recruiting from a wider pool [to / of] people will help ensure the ADF reflects the full diversity of Australia, and is able to draw on the [talons / talents] of all of Australian society." Opposition Foreign Minister Simon Birmingham disagreed with [the / a] policy. He said it showed government failure. He said: "We should be seeing more Australians with the [confidence / confident] to sign up."

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